DVD available? Yes

Number of Sessions: 6

Study Guide Available? No, book available

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Wisdom and Wealth: A Christian's Guide to Managing Your Life and Finances Greg Womack Financial wealth may not guarantee happiness—but making the most of what you have as you live the life God has given you will help you find fulfillment and satisfaction that no amount of money can buy. Wisdom and Wealth shows you how to make wise financial decisions and successfully manage your finances as you learn to put your money where your faith is. Combining his experience as a certified financial planner with the time-tested wisdom of King Solomon, Greg Womack shows you how to make wise choices, manage your finances properly, and use what you have to bless and serve others. Sessions include: Develop a practical plan for your money Avoid financial difficulties and reduce debt Practice simplicity and wise spending Understand investment options Use what you have to bless and serve others Leave a lasting legacy for future generations About the Author Communicator, author and pastor, Andy Stanley founded Atlanta-based North Point Ministries (NPM) in 1995. Today, NPM is comprised of six churches in the Atlanta area, serving more than 36,000 people weekly, as well as a network of 30 churches around the globe. 

As host of NBC’s Your Move with Andy Stanley, reaching over 36 million viewers in less than two years on the air, and author of 20-plus books including Ask It, How to Be Rich, Deep & Wide, Visioneering, and Next Generation Leader, he is considered one of the most influential living pastors in America. 

Andy Stanley and his wife, Sandra, have three grown children and live near Atlanta.