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Number of Sessions: 7

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The Parenting Challenge: Lessons on Intentional Parenting Randy Carlson In this seven week study, you'll get simple and easy tools you need to be a successful parent and raise a responsible adult! Whether it's for your Life Group, Bible Study, Sunday School class or personal study, you'll learn parenting secrets in this fun, entertaining and informative study. You’ll have plenty to talk about and plenty to take away from Dr. Randy Carlson’s expert teaching and years of experience helping parents be intentional. Sessions include: The Four Laws of Intentional Parenting Powering Down and Parenting UP Intentional Parents Play All Four Quarters An Intentional Parent's Daily Dozen About the Author When it comes to parenting, marriage, and other relationship issues, people are turning to bestselling author, counselor and radio personality Dr. Randy Carlson. Recognized as an advocate for the family, Randy hosts Intentional Living, a live daily call-in program syndicated to radio stations nationwide. As president of Family Life Communications Incorporated, Randy also oversees the ministries of Intentional Living (Parent Talk, Inc.) and Family Life Radio. Randy has written or coauthored five books: Starved for Affection, Unlocking the Secrets of Your Childhood Memories, Parent Talk, Father Memories, The Cain & Abel Syndrome and his sixth book, The Power of One Thing. Randy is a licensed marriage and family therapist with a doctorate in counseling psychology and over twenty-six years of counseling experience. He shares wisdom, encouragement, and comfort from God’s Word with people who call the daily Intentional Living program with issues that affect their families today. He has appeared on national radio and television talk shows such as Good Morning America, Focus on the Family with Dr. James Dobson, and Moody’s Midday Connection. He also speaks at conferences and seminars around the country.