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Number of Sessions: 10

Study Guide Available? Yes

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Love, Sex, and Lasting Relationships: Everyone Wants to Love and Be Loved Chip Ingram Everyone wants to love and be loved. The pursuit of "true love" is everywhere you look! It's romanticized on TV and in the movies we watch. There are books about it, songs about it, and even seminars on it... all of which are designed to "help" you find that special someone to love. So here's the question: Why is "true love" so elusive? Could it be that the picture of love we see in today's culture is nothing more than an illusion? If so, what does real love look like? In this 10-part series, you'll discover that there is a better way to find love, stay in love, and grow in intimacy for a lifetime. Join Chip Ingram as he unpacks Ephesians chapter 5 and delivers to us God's prescription for building relationships and love and last for life. Sessions include: Hollywood's Formula for Lasting, Loving Relationships Two Models for Lasting Relationships Before You "Fall in Love" How to Know If You're in Love Love & Sex: Knowing the Difference Makes All the Difference The Difference Between Love and Sex Sexual Purity in a Sex-Saturated World How to Say "Yes" to Love and "No" to Second-Rate Sex Wake Up World! There's a Better Way to Do Relationships The Second Sexual Revolution About the Author Chip is the author of fifteen books, including his most recent releases: Culture Shock, Spiritual Simplicity, Good to Great in God's Eyes and Overcoming Emotions that Destroy. Chip and his wife, Theresa, have four children and ten grandchildren. Chip also serves as senior pastor of Venture Christian Church in Los Gatos, California, and CEO & Teaching Pastor of Living on the Edge – an international teaching and discipleship ministry. Reaching more than a million people a week, his teaching can be heard online and through hundreds of radio and television outlets worldwide. Over the last twenty-five years Chip has pastored churches ranging from 500 to 5,000 and served as president of Walk Thru the Bible. Chip holds an M.S. degree from West Virginia University and a Th.M. degree from Dallas Theological Seminary.