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Number of Sessions: 4

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Laugh Your Way To A Better Marriage: Unlocking the Secrets to Life, Love and Marriage Mark Gungor Based on Mark Gungor's wildly popular seminar, Laugh Your Way to a Better MarriageĀ® builds on Gungor's success with tens of thousands of couples who credit him with enriching, and even saving, their marriages. By using his unique blend of humor and tell-it-like-it-is honesty, he helps couples get along and have fun doing it. Through exploring a variety of subjects including the myth of a "soul mate," the different ways men and women think, the conflicting levels of libido, and the necessity to forgive, Gungor proves that the key to marital bliss is not romance or destiny - it's work and skill. Couples need to work hard at maintaining their relationship and to have the skills to pull it off. The longer spouses wait to learn these skills, the greater their chance of wanting to bail. Gungor makes it easy for couples to bring their relationship to the next level and to have fun while doing so. Sessions include: The Tale of Two Brains Why Does He/She Do That? The #1 Key to Incredible Sex How to Stay Married and Not Kill Anybody About the Author Mark Gungor is a pastor, motivational speaker, author, and musician. With thirty years of experience speaking all around the globe, Mark's latest endeavor is to help young couples unlock the secrets of a successful marriage. In his seminars, Mark teaches principles for marriage in a way that empowers couples without being "preachy." Born in New York, he now resides in Stevens Point, Wisconsin where he is the CEO of Laugh Your Way America and Pastor of a local church. Mark and his wife Debbie have been married for thirty-two years and have two grown children and two grandchildren.