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Number of Sessions: 8

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The Invisible War: What Every Believer Needs to Know About Satan, Demons, and Spiritual Warfare Chip Ingram Beneath our tangible landscape lurks an invisible spiritual realm where unseen battles rage. It's real. And it's dangerous. If you're prepared to remove the blinders and gaze into the unseen world, Chip Ingram is ready to take you there. Hang on to your seat. It's going to be a journey inside the very folds of our Bibles, a journey that will teach us about our greatest foe, Satan, also known as Lucifer, Dragon, Serpent, and Son of the Morning Star. Although this lying thief comes to "steal, kill, and destroy," God details in His Word the battle plan to uncover Satan's cunning deceptions and to resist his sinister schemes. The cosmic conflict exploding all around us will have eternal implications, for us and those we love. In this series you will be prepared to do spiritual battle with the enemy of your soul... and win! You'll learn to clothe yourself with God's "spiritual armor" so you can be confident of your certain victory over the scheming enemy. ACSI approved. Sessions include: What is the Invisible War? Who are We Fighting? Four Keys to Spiritual Victory How to Prepare Yourself for Spiritual Battle Engaging the Enemy Winning the War The Christian's Secret Weapon The Ministry of Deliverance About the Author Chip is the author of fifteen books, including his most recent releases: Culture Shock, Spiritual Simplicity, Good to Great in God's Eyes and Overcoming Emotions that Destroy. Chip and his wife, Theresa, have four children and ten grandchildren. Chip also serves as senior pastor of Venture Christian Church in Los Gatos, California, and CEO & Teaching Pastor of Living on the Edge – an international teaching and discipleship ministry. Reaching more than a million people a week, his teaching can be heard online and through hundreds of radio and television outlets worldwide. Over the last twenty-five years Chip has pastored churches ranging from 500 to 5,000 and served as president of Walk Thru the Bible. Chip holds an M.S. degree from West Virginia University and a Th.M. degree from Dallas Theological Seminary.