DVD available? Yes

Number of Sessions: 6

Study Guide Available? Yes

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Freed-Up Financial Living Dick Towner, John Tofilon, and Shannon Plate The Good Sense Movement offers a variety of resources for helping individuals and people in your church or ministry grow in their understanding and application of biblical principles of money management and develop a personal spending plan that reflects those principles. The core Good Sense curriculum through which a person develops a spending plan is Freed-Up Financial Living. There is a biblical mandate for the church to do so given the fact that our relationship to our money is central to our relationship to God. It is a matter of who we serve (Matt. 6:21), where our heart is (Matt.6:24) and what the love of money can lead to (1Tim.6:10). Participants explore what the Bible and the culture say about the five financial areas of life (earning, giving, saving, debt and spending). They are then coached on how to implement biblical principles into their daily financial lives through a personal spending plan. This is done in a grace-filled manner – no guilt or judgment allowed. Just God’s truth communicated in a compelling way. The format is excellent for small and large groups, as well as individuals. The DVD includes the downloadable script so that all or parts of the course may be conducted by a live presenter(s).
 Please note that Freed-Up Financial Living is an improved, updated version of the Good $ense Budget Course and replaces it. A free downloadable Facilitator’s Guide is available. About the Authors Dick Towner Dick Towner is executive director of the Good $ense ministry for the Willow Creek Association. Previously, he served as director of finance for Willow Creek Community Church and as director of the church's Good $ense ministry. He has taught on stewardship for more than forty years. John Tofilon John Tofilon is a senior vice-president with an investment-banking firm. An active member of Willow Creek Community Church from its beginnings, John has served in several church ministries including Good $ense. He is coauthor of the original Good $ense Budget Course. Shannon Plate Shannon Plate is a financial counselor and author of the book Degunking Your Personal Finances. She holds a master's degree in counseling psychology from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.