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Number of Sessions: 12

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Experiencing God's Dream for Your Marriage: Experience the Marriage God Desires for You Chip Ingram Marriage isn’t easy. It seems like everywhere you look there are couples that are throwing in the towel and walking away from their marriages. But there is hope. Your marriage really can be positive, rich, intimate, and deeply satisfying. God, the designer and architect of great relationships has provided us with a blueprint for building a great marriage. In this series, you’ll learn what God’s dream for your marriage looks like, how to identify the major barriers to intimacy and how to move past them, as well as how to deal with conflict and communicate more clearly and effectively with your spouse. Sessions include: God's Dream for Your Marriage (Parts 1 & 2) What Went Wrong? Barriers to Intimacy (Parts 1 & 2) Communication: How to "Share Hearts" Instead of "Exchange Words" (Parts 1 & 2) Four Keys to Intimacy (Parts 1 & 2) Conflict Resolution: How to "Fight Fair" in Marriage (Parts 1 & 2) Men and Women: Enjoying the Difference 
(Parts 1 & 2) About the Author Chip is the author of fifteen books, including his most recent releases: Culture Shock, Spiritual Simplicity, Good to Great in God's Eyes and Overcoming Emotions that Destroy. Chip and his wife, Theresa, have four children and ten grandchildren. Chip also serves as senior pastor of Venture Christian Church in Los Gatos, California, and CEO & Teaching Pastor of Living on the Edge – an international teaching and discipleship ministry. Reaching more than a million people a week, his teaching can be heard online and through hundreds of radio and television outlets worldwide. Over the last twenty-five years Chip has pastored churches ranging from 500 to 5,000 and served as president of Walk Thru the Bible. Chip holds an M.S. degree from West Virginia University and a Th.M. degree from Dallas Theological Seminary.